OTBA Membership
details & application

- A business listing on oldetowneportsmouth.com with custom links to the rest of your online presence such as social media and website.
- Listing also includes a multi-photo gallery and an OTBA member badge – non member listings do not have these!
- Event listings and promotion on OTBA website and OTBA Facebook page – exposure to almost 6,000 followers!
- Membership Directory that lists contact information for all members.
- Opportunity to participate in OTBA sponsored events.
- Availability to disseminate your business’ promotional materials at the Olde Towne Antiques & Flea Market on the first Saturday of every month year-round.
- OTBA member decal to display in your place of business.
- Stay informed and share your opinion at monthly membership meetings.
- Timely e-news updates on activities within OTBA, Olde Towne, and the entire city of Portsmouth.
Membership Fees
associate MEMBERSHIP FEE (non-voting) : $25.00
Pay By Check: Please make checks payable to Olde Towne Business Association and send to the following address: OTBA, PO Box 1400, Portsmouth, VA 23705
Pay By Credit Card: By selecting the option to pay by credit card in the form below, you will receive an invoice with a link to pay online.
Membership Application
For More Info: Contact Audrey Lassiter at 757-405-3500 or otba1400@gmail.com